For more information or to answer any of your questions we can be reached by phone, fax or by email.

Vernon Restholm

2808-35 St.

Vernon, BC

V1T 6B5


Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm


Phone: 250-542-7636


Fax: 250-545-6102





  1. Dear Jerry,

    My grandparents were Guy P and Luta Bagnall. My brother and I were talking about the Restholm the other day and he asked if I knew whether the little cottage my grandparents lived in is still on the Restholm property? I remember our winter roadtrips from the states to visit them in their home. If it is still there, is there a current picture you coud share?

    Thank you and he would be so proud to know the Restholm still stands and provides an option for seniors in the Vernon area.


  2. Hi Sally,

    It’s such a surprise to hear from someone that new Guy, let alone a relative!

    I’ve read so much about your grandfather yet never met anyone that new him, so I was so pleased to see your comment.

    The cottage on the property was their place? Never new that. Did they build it? How long did they live there?

    We had an elderly couple renting it for 15 years and both passed away within 6 months of each other. Major repairs were needed and unfortunately it made no financial sense to keep it…sorry. It was torn down three years ago and a large garage was built that could accommodate up to 17 electric motor scooters for our residents, so the property was put to good use.

    We have a large picture and bio of your grandfather displayed in a prominent spot so that all can see who was responsible for Vernon Restholm being here.

    Thank-you again for getting in touch and rest assured that Restholm will be here for many years to come!


    Jerry Tellier

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